The Fluoride Varnish Application and Plaque Indices Course includes a one-day workshop, online learning and a Record of Competence (ROC) portfolio to complete in practice under supervision.
The course is suited to registered nurses and hygienists working in both private settings and in the National Health Service.
Topics covered:
- Oral Health Education and Promotion
- Fluoride Varnish Application
- Plaque Indices
- One-day practical training day.
- Online tutorials.
- Printed booklet.
- Tutor support.
- Ten or more hours of Verifiable CPD.
- Certificate of Competence awarded upon successful completion.
Online tutorials to complete one week before the one-day workshop.
- One-day workshop held from 09:00 am -17:00 pm at Adec, 329 Bracknell, Doncastle Road, Bracknell, RG12 8PE.
- Record of Competence Portfolio (ROC) to be completed in practice under supervision. Part of the record of competence is completed on the day.
Record of Competence Portfolio:
- Fluoride Varnish: You are expected to record ten log sheets, comprising five adults and five young adults and children.
- Plaque Indices: You are expected to record ten log sheets, we do not specify the patient group.
- You have a maximum of six months to complete your ROC. Part of the record of competence is completed on the day.
The role of your supervisor:
- Your written record of competence should be completed under the supervision of a hygienist, therapist, dentist or trained registered dental nurse.
- They are expected to sign your portfolio and write comments on your progress.
GDC Development Outcomes: A, B, C, D.
Learning Objectives
An Introduction to Oral Health Education
- Deliver basic oral hygiene and diet advice to parents and children.
- Demonstrate effective tooth-brushing techniques.
- Deliver basic tailored oral health instructions to children and young adults with orthodontic appliances.
- Define the main differences between gingivitis and periodontitis.
- Deliver basic smoking and alcohol cessation advice.
- Deliver basic oral health advice to adults, including specific advice for pregnant women.
- Provide denture care instructions to patients.
- Give advice to patients suffering with xerostomia.
- Adapt basic oral hygiene instructions for patients with special needs.
- Deliver advice to carers on assisted brushing.
Fluoride Varnish Application
- Confidently explain to a patient the process of caries and the possible outcomes of untreated caries.
- Have a good theoretical understanding of how fluoride helps prevent decay and be confident in explaining this to a patient.
- Be aware of supporting evidence in the use of systemic and topical fluoride in caries prevention and preventing dentine sensitivity.
- Have a good understanding of the contents of Introduction to Delivering Better Oral Health.
- Be able to explain to a patient the recommended doses of topical fluoride appropriate for the individual based on age/caries rate / influencing factors.
- Be able to demonstrate during a fluoride application appointment the ability to give supportive oral health advice regarding diet / oral hygiene regime appropriate to the patient being treated.
- Confidently explain the different topical fluoride preparations available, including varnishes/mouthwashes and toothpastes.
- Be able to confidently give advice to a patient about the appropriate product for them.
- Be able to identify any relevant medical history concerns that may prevent the use of a topical fluoride application.
- Be able to identify any contraindication to a topical fluoride application based on any systemic fluoride being taken (including being aware of local water supplies).
- Be aware of the consequences of fluoride toxicity.
- Know how to handle any form of overdose identified.
- Explain the information required in a referral/prescription from a dentist for application of a topical fluoride.
- Explain how informed consent would be obtained from a patient for the procedure (including explaining the different types of consent).
- Explain the process of fluoride application as a step-by-step guide, including any pre- and post-placement advice.
- Be confident in writing clinical notes of the appointment.
- Outline the concerns that patients may have regarding systemic and topical fluoride.
- Have an understanding of some of the clinical evidence against the use of fluoride.
- Be confident in how to manage a situation where a patient has refused consent and in how to offer possible advice on other products they may wish to use. Be able to identify any contraindications to such products.
Plaque Indices
- Confidently explain to a patient what dental plaque is.
- Confidently explain to a patient how plaque forms in the oral cavity.
- Confidently explain to a patient the role of dental plaque in oral disease.
- Have a good understanding of what indices are.
- Be able to explain why we use dental plaque indices.
- Be aware of different plaque indices methods.
- Be able to explain as a step-by-step guide the process of taking a dental plaque score (Plaque Control Score).
- Have a good understanding of how we can use plaque indices in practice as dental nurses.
- Be aware of any pre- / post- dental plaque indices advice to give the patient.
- Be able to confidently write up appointment notes.
Stephanie Carter RDT, RDH, DTLLS, TAQA
Registered Dental Hygienist and Therapist: 119601
Qualifications: Diploma Dental Hygiene and Therapy, National Certificate Dental Nursing, Diploma in Education and Training, Level 3 Award in Education and Training, Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement, NEBDN Certificate Dental Radiography, ILM Level 3 Award in Leadership and Management, Smoking Cessation Counselling Levels 1 and 2, Young Counsellors Certificate
Saturday 14 March 2020 - Adec, 329 Bracknell, Doncastle Road, Bracknell, RG12 8PE - Not available.
Discounts must be requested before payment is made. We do not automatically apply discounts.
Please note that discounts are applied to the VAT-exclusive fee: £150.00.
Multiple applicant discounts
- Two applicants: 5% discount
- Three applicants: 10% discount
- Four or more applicants: 15% discount
Please apply by telephone or use the print application form here. DNN will send you an invoice.
Henry Schein customers
Henry Schein customers can claim an additional 10% off.
Please enrol by telephone and quote your Henry Schein account number or use the print application form here. DNN will send you an invoice.
Entry requirements: