Good Patient Communication and Rapport-Building Skills.

iStock_000006258804XSmallCommunicating well with patients is vital in Dentistry and benefits both the patient and the Dental Nurse. The patient because they will feel genuinely cared for and understood and the Dental Nurse because she will feel fulfilled and satisfied with her performance.
Examples in which good communications are absolutely necessary:
Explaining treatment and gaining consent.
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What is HTM 01-05 and why is it important?

HTM 01/05 is a document that has been released by the Department of Health and is to be used as guidance in relation to Decontamination in the Dental Practice. Interested in IPC Lead training? Click here to see our IPC lead course.

The aims and objections of HTM 01/05 are:

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The Importance of Enjoying Your Job.

The Importance of Enjoying Your Job.
Working as a Dental Nurse can be very difficult. Working in surgery can often be very hectic and running behind can become a regular occurrence in a lot of Practices. The mad dash of sterilising instruments, disinfecting worktops and setting up instruments and equipment in between patients can quickly become frustrating and demoralising. Team this with the odd patient complaining about their wait and another not bothering to acknowledge you because you "are only the Dental Nurse" and it is very easy to spiral into a miserable day in day out mind-set.
But that is not what we as Dental Nurses should be simply accepting as our role- especially in this day of age. The potential to grow and develop our careers has never been higher. We must remember that we are registered Dental Care Professionals and we have a purpose- to give the ultimate in patient care and assist the Dentist in every way we can. The days of sitting aspirating, looking pretty are over. We are capable of doing so much more.
In order to get the most from our jobs we need to make sure we.........
Know our stuff!
In other words, we must know the ins and outs of our profession and keep up to date with all the latest developments. Have you ever been assisting the Dentist or Dental Surgeon and felt nervous because you were unsure of what came next? How much better would you feel, confidently passing them their next instrument without them having to ask? Knowledge and confidence is the key to being happy at work. If you feel like there are areas you can improve on at work or treatments/materials that you could learn more about, then ask your Dentist or Practice Manager for a training session. Not only will you impress them by being proactive but you will also be doing yourself a big favour by developing your skills and knowledge.
There are certain types of Dental Nursing that require complete knowledge and understanding, such as Implant and Orthodontic Nursing. Unfortunately with Implant Nursing there are a lot of Dental Nurses that have not received adequate training and feel out of their depth when assisting the Dentist. There are courses that Nurses can go on in order to work efficiently as an Implant Nurse, basic and advanced. In order to feel as confident as possible when Implant Nursing, there are a few things that you should know:
The Implant System that is used in your Practice. E.g. Astra Tech, 3i, Straumann. You need to be able to inform and educate your patients on your Implant System. Patients are a lot more knowledgeable these days with so much information readily available on the internet- if they phone up enquiring about Implants or come for a Consultation, they WILL expect you to know. It would also be a poor reflection on your practice if members of the team were uneducated in such a popular treatment.
How to set up and close the surgery, the procedure from start to finish and the pros and cons of the treatment.
The type of restorations that can be fixed to the Implants. e.g. Crowns, Bridges, Dentures.
Basic knowledge of patient criteria. e.g. the success rate of Implants falls if the patient smokes or is diabetic and there needs to be sufficient bone present in order to place the Implant.
Similarly to Implants, Short Term Orthodontics (STO) is now becoming more popular. Invisalign, 6 Month Smiles, Inman Aligner and Clearstep are all examples of STO treatments that are in demand.
Again, if your Dentist offers these treatments and you feel unsure as to what they do and how they work, ask! You must be able to inform patients and explain the treatments if you are asked and if you are promoting these treatments in your Practice, you WILL be asked at some point by at least one patient.
Keep our CPD updated!
There are new developments in Dentistry all the time and in order to be the best we can be, we should all be keeping up to date. Signing up to dental magazines, regularly viewing dental websites/blogs is a great way to keep yourself in the know. We all need to be keeping on top of our Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and by attending courses and undergoing further training, this can be achieved quite easily. You can also count reading educational material as CPD.
Being a Dental Nurse armed with knowledge you are not only empowering yourself, you are making yourself a valued, respected member of the team- which should mean enjoyable, productive and successful job roles.
Respect yourself and speak up!
Most Dental Nurses have experienced some form of verbal abuse whether it be a grumpy Dentist snapping at us in the surgery or maybe a conflict with another team member- even an unpleasant patient giving us a hard time over the phone. Do not accept this. We are all qualified and registered Dental Care Professionals (or training to be) and we deserve respect for what we do. It is very easy to feel intimidated or insignificant at work but we play such an important role in Dentistry and we must remember this. If you feel you are being disrespected in some way, voice your concerns with the person making you feel this way and if that fails, report this to the Practice Manager. If it is the Dentist or Practice Manager causing you to be unhappy, ask for a meeting to be arranged so you can sit down and explain the way they are behaving is making you unhappy at work. By doing this, you are showing that you will not stand for being treated with disrespect and you will instantly win respect and understanding for behaving in such a mature, professional manner. If a patient disrespects you, calmly but firmly explain that you will not tolerate being spoken to in that way.
The steps to take if you are greatly unhappy at work.
Make a list of everything that is bothering you. This could be conflict with a colleague, an issue with wages, your workload etc. Arrange a meeting and voice your concerns.
Seek advice. If you feel that speaking to your manager has not worked then there are people you can speak to. If you are a Dental Nurse in training, speak to your tutor/assessor and explain the situation. They will either help you by stepping in and speaking to your manager directly or find you another workplace. If you are a qualified, registered Dental Nurse then the Citizens Advice Bureau may be able to help.
Look for another job. Send out copies of your CV to Dental Practices that you would be interested in working at. Keep an ear to the ground and browse through recruitment websites and also Dental Nursing websites/magazines. There are always opportunities for Dental Nurses.
Big smileWorking as a Dental Nurse can be very difficult. Working in surgery can often be very hectic and running behind can become a regular occurrence in a lot of Practices. The mad dash of sterilising instruments, disinfecting worktops and setting up instruments and equipment in between patients can quickly become frustrating and demoralising.
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Help Dentaid improve oral health across the world.

dentaidDid you know that:

    • Five billion of the world's population suffer from tooth decay?
    • Many infant's have their healthy baby teeth removed with un-sterile equipment in the mistaken belief that the soft white buds are worms?
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Team building and maintaining good working relationships

Team building and maintaining good working relationships.
Seeing as most of the population spend more time at work than they do at home, it is vital that we feel happy and confident when we are working. Team building is essential to reach these goals. Team building is a process that involves developing cooperation, motivation, trust and respect among the team members. Team members work well together when everybody is working to achieve a common goal. It is good to make a list of practice goals for which everybody plays a part in achieving, e.g. winning a dental award or reaching targets in order to receive a bonus. Regularly reviewing these goals keeps people motivated and working hard together to achieve them. Employers should encourage team members to make their own personal goals too- this is something that can be discussed in annual appraisals. By having personal goals, we are always working towards something positive.
Some examples of team building are:
Monthly team meetings.
Having an hour long team meeting once a month allows everybody to sit down together and discuss any issues regarding the practice and team. Regular team meetings enables everybody to feel up to date with the latest news and gives people the chance to voice their opinions/concerns etc. Issues that are often discussed at team meetings are ways in which we can improve our performance and areas that can be improved, upcoming news and events and practice productivity. It is a good idea to have two people taking the position of facilitator and recorder for the duration of the meeting. The person facilitating can lead the meeting whilst the recorder can make notes and then write them all up and hand out minutes to each team member. At the following team meeting, the previous issues can be reviewed and hopefully be identified as resolved. It is a nice idea to have an extended lunch at a team meeting so that lunch can be ordered in, making the meeting an enjoyable experience.
Morning huddles.
Morning huddles are a great way of preparing and motivating the team for the day ahead. Everybody should have a copy of their diary and can update the team on anything significant, such as, “Mr X has referred his wife for a consultation, we must not forget to thank him when he arrives” or “Mrs Y’s lab work is being delivered this afternoon.” Topics that can be discussed at morning huddles are practice daily productivity, issues with patients, phone calls that need to be made that day etc. If there are any new patients attending the practice then the team can be made aware of this. It is also a good idea to point out any particular patients that could be asked to pass on some referral cards to friends and family, e.g. “Mr X is coming for a review on his new veneers, maybe we could ask him to pass on some of our cards to friends and family who may be wanting a similar service?”.
Regular training sessions.
It is a good idea to hold regular training sessions to keep everybody up to date and performing to the highest standard. Keeping everybody highly trained maintains confidence in each person, therefore maintaining a confident team. Regular training in the following areas can be beneficial to the team:
Cross infection
New treatments and techniques
Patient communication and phone skills
Practice promotion
Team activities.
Team activities help keep relationships strong and build trust among team members. It is good to spend time with each other away from the workplace every so often as people tend to relax more and it is a good opportunity to find out more about each other. Team activities often include:
Having a nice meal and a few drinks together
Watching a show
Going for a day out somewhere, for example, Alton Towers
Visiting a Comedy Club
Having annual appraisals is a great way of the management team and team member communicating to each other about job performance and satisfaction. Appraisals tend to be conducted in a quiet, private, informal environment in order to put team members at ease. It is the duty of the employer to inform the team member on their performance in the last year and discuss possible strengths and weaknesses the person has and how weaknesses can be overcome. Team members need to be made aware of any aspect of their job that they are doing particularly well and also not so well because if their performance could be improved in a certain area then they need to be told in a friendly and constructive manner. Also discussed at appraisals are:
Aspects of the job that the team member likes.
Aspects of the job they do not like.
Ways in which they could possibly improve their role.
Any concerns or issues they might have.
Their successes from the past year.
Any further training or development they would like or feel they require.
Professional and personal goals.
Strengths and weaknesses.
It is important to remember that everyone has their strengths and their weaknesses. In order to work well as a team it is vital that people are given jobs and responsibilities that they are able to do to a high standard. For example, there is no point in giving Miss X the duty of updating the website weekly if she has little experience with computers. This would make Miss X feel stressed and lacking in confidence. However Miss X is very organized and patient, so she would feel happy and confident doing the weekly filing and scanning of documents instead. When we have stressful days at work it is very easy to see each other’s faults and concentrate on them instead of the good qualities. This does nobody any good, it can make us feel inadequate and stressed if we know that only our faults are being noticed. Try to recognize the positive qualities of your colleagues and you will immediately feel better at work.
Communication is the key to maintaining good working relationships. It is important that everybody knows how to communicate with each other effectively so there are never any misunderstandings. There is often hostility between people in working environments and a lot of this hostility can be put down to poor communication. Yes, there are bound to be people that simply do not get on, however with good communication, there is nothing stopping them working together as colleagues and reaching for the same professional goals.
Body language can say a lot when you are speaking to someone. It is important that you are looking into the eyes of the person you are communicating with. This signals to them that you are listening to what they are saying. It is also important that you show you are listening with your body language. If you are speaking to a colleague but have your body turned away and your fingers drumming on the table, the chances are that sub-consciously you are not listening and this really does come across.
If you are talking to somebody and they have said something important, e.g. your Dentist asks you to put something in the order book, and you are not listening effectively, then this could lead to problems. You could forget all about it or get to the order book and forget what product it was that needed ordering. If you know that you can be a bit forgetful then write it down. Writing notes increases our ability to remember things more accurately and reduces the risk of forgetting by 90%. Another way of increasing our ability to remember is by repeating the tasks that we need to do, so when the Dentist asks us to put something in the order book, say aloud, “I need to put that in the order book”.
It is wise to avoid cliques at work as this can cause possible conflict among team members. It can also lead to breakdown in communication. It is better to get on with everybody equally and treat everybody the same in order to prevent any upset or conflict among team members. It is fine to have a chat and a laugh at work but ultimately we are dental professionals and must conduct ourselves in a respectable, professional manner.
DENTIST WITH_NURSESeeing as most of the population spend more time at work than they do at home, it is vital that we feel happy and confident when we are working. Team building is essential to reach these goals.
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