Daily affirmations are a great way to start your day

daily-affirmationsStarting your day with a positive affirmation is a great way to put yourself into a positive frame of mind. Affirmations are statements that include a positive phrase and which, when repeated, will impress the subconscious mind and trigger it into positive action. To ensure the effectiveness of affirmations, they need to be repeated with attention, and a positive frame of mind must be the desire.

If you think about it, many of us use positive affirmations already without even knowing that we do. For example, if you are playing a sport such as golf or tennis, you may repeat to yourself throughout a match the phrase: “I can do this, I am going to win!”

Focusing on yourself and taking steps towards a positive frame of mind will bring benefits to you, and others around you are bound to notice. It’s good to talk things through with friends and family members when negative situations or problems arise in your life, but when you become dependent on ‘offloading’ on a regular basis, it could be a good time to start your day the positive affirmation way. This is really the best way towards creating a positive outlook.

Some positive affirmations that you might like to try:

  • I am a positive thinker.
  • This day and every day, my mind will be filled with positive thoughts, and will be creating a great life for me.
  • I have a wonderful and satisfying job.
  • I am successful in whatever I do.
  • Everything is getting better every day.
  • I have a lot of energy.
  • My body is healthy and functioning in a very good way.
  • My mind is calm.

Thoughts and feelings and how you can express them


Anger is a condensed form of energy, and a natural emotion that we should never suppress. Stored anger can cause all manner of illnesses, including high blood pressure, digestive disorders and depression. You should allow yourself to express it and then transform it quickly into a less harmful emotion. When you are feeling angry, sit still in a quiet place and focus on your breathing. Then repeat this affirmation, either out loud or in your mind: “Just for today, I am at peace”.

Turn any worry into clarity

Worry is a mental preoccupation with thoughts about something that may happen in the future, based on your experience of the past, and fed with fear. Long-term worry and anxiety can cause mental stress, panic attacks, low self-esteem and unhappiness. When you find yourself worrying, sit still in a quiet place and focus on your breathing. Then repeat this affirmation: “Just for today, my mind is at rest and ease”.

A statement of honesty

Dishonesty causes secrets and lies, which in turn create inner tension and illness. Being true to yourself and others is the only way to live a peaceful life. If you know that you are dishonest and untrue, think about the changes that you may need to make. Sit quietly and repeat the next affirmation: “I earn my living honestly, I am honest, I am a very truthful person”.

A statement of honour

Honour is based on respect. It should not involve our likes or dislikes. We must respect the fact that each person lives their own journey in their own reality. Dishonour is based on fear and anger, which we need to deal with so that we can remain in good health. Actively honour your family, friends and those around you, for they are an intricate part of what makes you unique. Sit quietly and repeat this next affirmation in your mind or out loud: “I honour my parents, elders, teachers, children, friends and myself”.

An attitude of gratitude

Gratitude teaches us the art of giving rather than just receiving. Receiving has its place when it allows another person the pleasure of giving. It can be acknowledged as the gift of energy that has been directed towards you. An attitude of gratitude will bring abundance. Sit in a quiet place and repeat the following affirmation: “I give thanks to every living thing and for every situation, whatever form it may take, for within it is contained my growth and understanding”.

Coping with change

Day-to-day stress builds up, causing tension in our bodies, and it changes both our moods and our reactions. As we learn and grow, we encounter a variety of situations; from the joyous, happy and pleasant through to the difficult, conflicting and even traumatic.

For example, if we increase our workload and take on more and more responsibilities, it is often the case that the tension in our bodies becomes tighter and deeper. However, we cannot hide away and avoid the difficulties in life as they are part of what makes us unique. Our personal history is given to us to help us to develop. If our experiences in early life make us fearful and angry, this will affect our self-esteem, our response to injustice and our feelings of security. We may know that we need to change, but our fears may stop us from making those changes.

It is the emotions and feeling that are stored up over long periods of time that stop your true self from shining through, Anger, frustration, hurt and fear, if left unexplored, can take you over; the layers can form so deeply that you become what is known as a ‘false self’.

Writing thoughts down

Look back in order to move forward. Use a notebook and pen to write down thoughts and feelings. Try to spend an uninterrupted 30 minutes a day on this. Continue to keep writing thoughts down on a daily basis. A good time to do this is before you go to sleep at night. Even if it is only one word for the day - such as happy, angry or emotional - write it down.

Maybe your inner voice keeps telling you things, such as that you are no good. Maybe that’s why you put barriers up all the time. This is why writing it all down makes you become aware - you start to realize what is going on. It’s all about you making that connection. So writing these thoughts and feelings down is a great technique; when faced with the thoughts or feelings on paper, you are now dealing with them instead of keeping them within. Looking at these thoughts and feelings, one by one, out in the open, helps you to become your true self. You are now releasing them, exploring them and letting them go. Your true self is now beginning to shine.

Written by Victoria Robertson

Dental Nurse at the Crofts Dental Practice, Epping

Qualified Health & Wellbeing therapist

Author of two self-help books: 

Swimming Through the Reeds, and Grow a Perfect Day 





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