Smoking Cessation: Helping patients to achieve their goal.

Oral Health_Wall_paperSmoking cessation is the process of discontinuing the practice of inhalation of a smoked substance. More and more smokers want to give up their habit and luckily, there is lots of help available. Smoking cessation does not necessarily have to involve the use of medication or professional help- it can be achieved alone. This is personal choice.

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Diary of a Treatment Co-ordinator- Series 3

DIARY OF_A_TCOOne thing that I always consider to be quite challenging is dealing with objections to treatment and turning things around so that the patient is happy to proceed. However, with a bit of time, patience and clever questioning, it is not a difficult task.

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Short Term Orthodontics (STO)

thumbnailThanks to celebrity culture and dazzling "hollywood smiles" we see everyday in magazines and on television, more and more people are requesting "Cheryl Cole" or "Tom Cruise" smiles when they visit their Dentist.

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Diary of a Treatment Co-ordinator- Series 2

DIARY OF_A_TCOI was quite nervous today as I had a couple of Treatment Presentation appointments. We saw two very different patients last week and they were both coming to see me today. Their personalities were massively different- Patient A was very bubbly and friendly, quite loud and opened up to me immediately. Patient B was pleasant but a lot more reserved and not as warm.

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Annual Appraisals: How to get the best from them.

EmploymentAnnual Appraisals: How to get the best from them.

For many people, the mere mention of the term "staff appraisal" fills them with dread. Feelings of worry start to surface at the thought of what could possibly be mentioned and it's funny really because we tend to think about what negatives are going to be brought up about us instead of the positive things we have achieved over the year- the main reason for an appraisal!

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