I decided to post this after much thought. All of us have made mistakes at work-big or small. I have too.
My last 3 weeks were horrendous, both of my children were sick and in hospital, just last weekend, my littlest one-she is 1and a 1/2 was admitted and was on oxygen and a drip. 2 weeks ago, i had to take a whole week off. Not to mention the lack of sleep and exhaustion.
On thursday, I could not find one of the patient's cards-mind you, I'm not the only dental nurse there, and inspite of searching for it for 2 days, I could not find it. I was given an oral warning, with my dentist saying "this is sh*t", "you people just sit on your a*ses" "wtf" etc. You get the picture. And he told me not to go home until i find that "bloody" card and that he would take half a day of wages from everyone. I'm supposed to finish at 6pm, but stayed until 7 trying to look in every single drawer (we have over 24000 cards with ref numbers). I did disinfect the whole surgery, but forgot to empty the clinical bins-a few pairs of gloves, a cup and paper. I'll be very honest, I completely forgot-I was in tears. going crazy about the card. It is my fault, i know. But I have never ever forgotten before.
On saturday, he came in, he found out that his bins had not been emptied (I didnt work on friday) and gave me a second oral warning, threatening to not give me my wages (we usually get paid on the 15th, but we'll have our cheques on monday, mind you), and threatening to sack me on the spot if i do it again, that I am irresponsible. He told me I wasn't doing him any favour etc. On saturdays we finish at 1pm, but he told me to wait for this patient to come collect something and not to dare claim for overtime.
Yes, those were my mistakes.
Now, i'll tell you. He shouts at all the staff, uses expletives most of the time, he even threw a loaded syringe at one of the other nurses, our stock and cards are kept in the basement which has a damp/flooding issue. He doesn't let us use enough tissue to disinfect after every patient, he shouts at us if we disinfect our impressions-he just rinses it with water and puts it in a bag. He shouts at us if we change the bib-if it's not visibly contaminated, he holds the cards with saliva/blood contaminated gloves and we have to pass it to the receptionist, we have to write a record of what he does, and it's the receptionist who does his DTCs and claims. I feel so ashamed that I work with him. He is the owner of a 6 surgery-practice. My other dentists are so not like that and observe all infection control procedures and do their own work. And we have been ordered not to order anything this month-and we're running out of suction tips.
I am the lead nurse and have been there for only 6 months. I know my job but this is out of order.