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Working hours

11 years 1 month ago #6030 by Tonkin
Thank you all for replying,

Because I've been working at the same place all this time, sometimes i don't know whats normal and what isn't.

But know i have an idea of what to do... and what to expect.

Thank you again!

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11 years 1 month ago #6029 by Ekw

I think its great some of you are able to get cleaning time!! What a luxury!

To kazabird / some of my nurses did say something similar regarding working passed their time and that they didn't have to as they were not paid for this time. I did have to stress to them that obviously I agreed in theory that we shouldn't be expected to work extra hours and not be paid but also they could not really justify refusing with a patient still to be seen and if a trauma attended or a clinician was running late we would either need to swap that nurse with someone if they were unable to stay. I think what bothers us more is that a lot of the time we are not asked if we are able to stay late its assumed we just will which for nurses who have nursery pickups this is very hard but if I can cover for a nurse I will but if I have no cover and I am unable myself I do have to ask the nurse who's late to stay back and work on, I don't like it but morally I couldn't leave a patient or refuse the clinician a nurse to treat a patient as its not usually their fault they're being seen late.
Its maybe different as we've a lot of junior staff and students which can cause huge lateness when there's 4 students and only supervisor so you can imagine the waiting for that one person to check work on every patient seen ugh!! Madness. As of last Friday 2 nurses left at 645 and last night 1 nurse started a patient at 450 both were to finish at 5pm so you can imagine our team brief this morning! But I've taken notes and as suggested by another nurse pppreviously I have suggested the late rota again, which some took to and a handful said they weren't happy being forced to work late and wouldn't be prepared to work passed their time and wanted me to come up with something else!? So ladies and gents any ideas???????

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11 years 1 month ago #6028 by mishmash
You should certainly bring up your concerns and also write down your start and finish times each day in a diary.
We get 15 mins vefore and 30 mins after to set up and clean down, if we finish slightly earlier we are allowed to leave anytime after 5.15 but still get paid until 5.30.

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11 years 1 month ago #6027 by dentalbee2
I think it's like that all over , we are not that bad though , we get paid from 8.50 but only start at 9 and we are paid until 5.20 but our last pt is finished generally by 5 pm . Very occasionally the dentist may run over but we all rally around and help each other clean up and so still get out at 5.20

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11 years 1 month ago #6026 by kazabird78

See this right here is one of the reasons why i chose to give up nursing in Oct after 15 years.
You should be contracted 8.45-5.45. 1st patient at 9 and last at 5.30. Just remember your not paid after 6 so by rights you can leave the building and he cant do anything about that. Maybe you should bring up a time sheet in the next staff meeting so you can write down when you arrive and when you leave.

Sick and tired of these dentists who treat nurses like crap because they think they can :angry:
And i bet you get crap pay aswell?. Another classic for nurses!
Contracts are legally binding!! Leave at 6 unless your being paid otherwise.

Rant over, it makes me angry hearing this :angry:

Good luck x

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11 years 1 month ago #6025 by Jillybean
We work 8.45 to 5.45 with a lunchbreak between 1 and 2pm. Our first patient is 9am and the last one is usually 5.15, usually only a check up. This gives us enough time usually to clean the surgery and set up in the morning, and then the opposite at the end of the day. Quite often we overrun into the lunchbreak though as treatment is often put in at 12.30, whereas it would be easier if the last couple of patients were check ups. It works well most of the time. Maybe you should keep a note of all the overtime you do and bring it up at a staff meeting? :unsure:

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11 years 1 month ago #6024 by Ekw
Hi there

I know where your coming from. I work in hospital I'm contracted for 37.5. I'm in the building at 825 to be changed and on clinic for 839 I'm paid from 845-5 with a 45min lunch break,but like you patient usually leaves the chair at 5pm and by time I've wiped down stocked up and signed my cleaning logbook it can be 5:20. I do feel its easily forgotten the amount of "unpaid time" we work through being in early, tidying after and even losing lunchtimes which in my work if you don't get lunch then you don't it there's no option for a break later or away early which if your having one of those weeks it can be very frustrating!! I have come from community and practice and it was the same then too I don't see it changing, we did try a late rota to try help the nurses but our clinicians would work late more as if knowing someone was working late SK it didn't matter!! So I stopped it now I am just very hard on the ones that are always slow pointing out at the start of session that they need to be done for 5 and if I'm on admin session I go round all the units checking what stage they are all at, works not bad I think they dread me coming!!

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11 years 1 month ago #6022 by Tonkin
Hi all,

I have been working at this practice for about 2.5 years where my working hours on my contract says 9 am to 6 pm with 1 hours unpaid for lunch break.

My boss always book his first patient at 9 am, which means I always have to start at least 15 minutes. At the end on the day the patient leaves the chair at 6pm and of course takes me around tom minutes to clean the surgery and finish in the decontamination room.

My question is, is that normal? How does it work in you practice? I know it doesn't sound much but i would like to live work at 6pm how it says on my contract.

Thank you


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