I also work at a one surgery practice.
I think getting her on the phones and familiarised whilst quiet is the best wy to go - dont want to overhelm her when its manic and also get chance to sit own quietly and show and explain way you work. I do both nursing, management and reception and find reception and nursing help you appreciate each job and understand more.
Do you have a nurse induction?
Go through the machines in the decon room, explain the audits and checks you have to do, explain recalls. There is always things to be getting on with.
Maybe go through cqc, explain whats expected for inspections.
If really stuck get online and do some free cpd, even though it doesnt get registered it gives her a head start and also more info on precedures and regs. (isopharm is brilliant for cpd)
The nurses in our practice get really involved in all audits, cleaning, reception duties.
Hope this helps a little