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OSCE next week

5 years 11 months ago #8903 by emma_tozer
Hello, I wondered if anybody could possibly give me any help/advice/guidance on my upcoming OSCE? Would be ever so helpful, thank you so much. My email address is: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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8 years 2 months ago #8081 by Dental8!nurse
Hi Jenni27
I would like to ask you if you have that osce notes could you send to me? My email address:tundesomato@gmail.com
Thank you

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8 years 9 months ago #7466 by STaylor94
Are any nurses taking the exam that live in hertfordshire? I can really help anyone if they are


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8 years 9 months ago #7465 by Bubba1128
Thanks jenni27

Im not working in surgery and my previous workplace were not helpful so I am really worried. Ive never had a medical emergency in the workplace except for my 3 hour training course and i never picked out the burs or rct instruments. My dentist always used very limited rct instruments and picked the burs herself. Im worried about everything really. What do they say about hand sanitiser. I was told not to use it because it dissolved the gloves... Thanks for your help

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8 years 9 months ago #7450 by hasinagrg
Hi bubba 1128
You shouldnt turn up in ur uniform ..u will have to change ur unifrom once they escort you to the exam room..most of the stuffs asked during exams are what we do everyday at surgery..but due the invigilator staring at you one do get nervous

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8 years 9 months ago #7449 by P18DJK
don't turn up to registration in your uniform, once you've registered they will take you to a room to get changed. one of our stations was the hand washing technique & mixing alginate, so it would be in one of the stations if its included.
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8 years 9 months ago #7446 by Bubba1128

I have mine in june also... As youve taken the exam before do you have any advice what to expect. Do you turn up in your uniform. Do they make you do the handwashing technique at the beginning. Any help I would be so greatful x

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8 years 9 months ago #7437 by jmoss
We would use Lignospan as there is something in Citanest (the adrenaline free anaesthetic) that can start labour in a pregnant woman.

Hope that helps!

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8 years 9 months ago #7435 by hasinagrg
Hi izebella i have got mine as well in nune..this will be my sec attempt ..how prepared are you ..

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8 years 9 months ago - 8 years 9 months ago #7434 by Izebella
Hi yea I fail my osce exam.can anyone tell me please which anaesthetic should we give to pregnant lady ? And has anyone got exam this June ?so scared

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8 years 11 months ago #7299 by hasinagrg
thank u very much ekw for the answers to my questions...it was indeed helpful..

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8 years 11 months ago #7288 by Ekw
Hi Jennie27

Hopefully I can help with these I never sat a national or osce mine was written only as an SVQ but from 15 years nursing and constant med emerg updates I should be able to be of some use to you.

Faint: let the person fall (you could hurt yourself or your patient trying to catch them) then make area clear and raise their legs you use colleague or a chair. If they fainting in the chair then lower the head so the legs are higher. Get a fan on them or open the window and reassure them to keep them calm until they start to feel better.

Asthma attack: if your patient starts to have an asthma attack get their inhalor and get them to calm their breathing and take two puffs if they or your practice have a spacer connect it and it can take 10 puffs in the spacer get them to slow their breathing if no improvement during this call an ambulance.

Glucose issue: your work may have a glucometer (which we do) you test a tiny pin prick of blood and it gives you a reading. If your patient is feeling faint you will have glucose tablets or powder which you can give them which can boost them we often do this before sedation or extraction if they've not eaten that day yet or its been a while.

I hope this is helpful even just a little.

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9 years 16 hours ago #7277 by hasinagrg
hi there
i need help for medical emergencies.
what should be done if a pt faints.
what should be done if a patient got asthma attack.
what should be done if a patient has high/low glucose level.

thank u

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9 years 6 days ago #7265 by Frankys
Thankyou so much that helps a lot

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9 years 1 week ago #7263 by hasinagrg
@lozzywozzy 86...thank u very much for help really appreciate it..if i do need help i will sure get back to u....

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9 years 1 week ago #7261 by Lozzywozzy86
Med Emerg - epileptic fit. So when the patient was fitting i moved away the chairs so she didnt hurt herself, her bag was wrapped around her arm so i moved it and made sure there was nothing in her way. I talked to her let her know i was then and reassured her. I then put the blanket on her. When she came round i told her to stay there for a few moments until she felt a bit better then i helped her up and sat on the chair with her just checking how she was. Asked if there was anyone i could call to escort her home, advised her that we will canceol the appointment this time and will rearrange. Told the patient i had checked her med history (it said on the info sheet before we went in that she had fits before) and asked whether she had her medication on her if she went into another fit.

(the exam seems a bit of a blur now)

With the advice, i tried to keep the mum calm, i asked whether it was a baby tooth or adult (used language she would understand) she said he was 11 so knew it was adult. I asked her to make sure the tooth was clean and to be very careful with the root and asked if the son would let her put in back in (he wouldnt) i said to put it in milk and gave her the emergency out of hours number (make a number up) and to go straight there. I said to give pain relief if needed. i asked if she could come back into surgery tomorrow too just for the dentist to see him.

Levisons book has most things in. I was going on the isopharm website and doing their free CPD (it wont count when you are qualified but it massively helped me) also the free cpd on here. Every little bit of knowledge helps

Please ask if you need anymore advice x
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9 years 1 week ago #7260 by hasinagrg
@lozzywozzy86 thank you very much for your help...may i know what you did on the medical emergencies epileptic fit partand also what advice you gave for abulse tooth....thank you

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9 years 1 week ago #7259 by Frankys
Thankyou for ur reply, my college just said what comes up in osces and practiced like once but they didnt elaborated on much of things like saying abt Ppe and handwashing, roleplays etc

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9 years 1 week ago #7258 by Lozzywozzy86
On your resit it wont be the same stations surely will it?

On the nebdn there is a sample osce, i looked at that to give me idea of what was expected before i did the exam. this is the link; nebdn.org/sites/default/files/SampleNEBD...EStationOS10_001.pdf

Its really hard as there is so much that could come up in the exam. Try to keep calm and composed. If possible practice mixing materials at work (kalz and alginate apparently come up often)

Think the main ones are medical emergency and advice so try cover all of med emergencies and try revise post op, denture advise etc. Also read up on the data protection - you cant give patients details out to others...

Make sure you read the question, and read it again. If you have started and panic, stop take a breather and read again, if you know you have done something wrong (eg mixing) explain what you have done wrong and what you need to do to rectify it.

Do college do practice osces with you?
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9 years 2 weeks ago #7251 by hasinagrg
i have no idea myself....if i knew where i went wrong then i would have revised more on those bits but since i have got no idea..i dont know where i went wrong ...just hoping that i will make it through the second time..course resitting is even more expensive

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9 years 2 weeks ago #7250 by Frankys
I asked my course provider for performance report but she said nebdn arent doing that nemore.. So how can we know where we went wrong .. Any idea

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9 years 2 weeks ago #7249 by hasinagrg
Frankys that right every bits of help would be helpful and hoping that students who have passed their exams could help us out ...its really frustrating cos u know u did so well but still fail..dont know where i did go wrong as well trying to find answers for that is tough cos when we ask the course provider they themselves have any clue about it

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9 years 2 weeks ago #7248 by Frankys
M resitting this june as well , dont know where did i go wrong..!! Every bit of help would be helpful

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9 years 2 weeks ago - 9 years 2 weeks ago #7243 by hasinagrg
anyone resitting their osce this june.i need some help.having to do it for the second time is giving me chills when u know u did well during ur first sit and the outcome wasnt good.
for the crown prep was the tooth already prepared or not cause browsing through the messages is making me confuse ....

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9 years 2 weeks ago #7233 by P18DJK
I still don't know :(

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9 years 3 weeks ago #7232 by rexha
I have passed as well!

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9 years 3 weeks ago #7231 by Lozzywozzy86
Well done :) think positive x

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9 years 3 weeks ago #7230 by Gorda
I have passed as well!!!!

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9 years 3 weeks ago #7229 by Stevie_G
Well hopefully I will find out tomorrow now. Pass rate is pretty high makes me abit worried :S

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9 years 3 weeks ago #7228 by Lozzywozzy86
Just got told i had passed - apparently the pass rate was 77.2% this year (the tutor told one of the other girls, we dont get told our %'s though) x
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9 years 3 weeks ago #7227 by Stevie_G
Congratulations!!!! :laugh: Did you get a % or anything or just told you passed? I emailed my course provider at 5pm an they haven't heard anything typical :unsure:

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9 years 3 weeks ago #7226 by Lozzywozzy86
I've passed!!!!!!!!!!! :silly: course provider messaged me <3

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9 years 3 weeks ago #7224 by Gorda
I've rung mine and they said they will be finding out today and ringing us to let know.

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9 years 3 weeks ago #7223 by P18DJK
I've rung my course provider & they said they don't know why we were told to ring them as they send out a letter to us & them at the same time so they don't know the results. Just have to wait for the letter. They said it should be this week... :pinch:

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9 years 3 weeks ago #7222 by P18DJK
If someone could let me know if they ring & get their results so I can nip out & ring quickly that would be great thanks ! :)

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9 years 3 weeks ago #7220 by Nickboi55
Because the results ate sent to the course provider would it be ideal to phone them?? Or will i just wait till weds? Just i dont want to be a pest??? Suggestions welcome x

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9 years 3 weeks ago #7219 by Alicatt
Best of luck everyone for tomorrow
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9 years 3 weeks ago #7218 by Stevie_G
I just called the nebdn and the lady said the course providers will have the results tomorrow and they will be sent to us via post tomorrow so she told me I would be better off to call my course provider tomorrow afternoon for my result. Just thought I would let you know :)

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9 years 3 weeks ago #7217 by martinawhoriskey@hotmail.co.uk
It states on nebdn to contact course director.

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9 years 3 weeks ago #7216 by P18DJK
How long are we supposed to wait ! It's ridiculous! Can we not ring up & find them out?

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9 years 3 weeks ago #7215 by martinawhoriskey@hotmail.co.uk
Apparently theres a delay so results wnt be out until end of week. :( :S

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9 years 3 weeks ago #7214 by Lozzywozzy86
Nothing in the post today, the other girls on my course havent had theirs either :(

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9 years 3 weeks ago #7212 by rexha
Has anyone received anything yet?
Good luck

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9 years 3 weeks ago #7211 by Lozzywozzy86
My mails generally at 1 in the afternoon, whatever happened to waking up in a morning and it already be on the doormat! hahaFEels like we have been waiting forever. My only day off this week today, going to try busy myself x :sick:

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9 years 3 weeks ago #7210 by Stevie_G
Oh I know what you mean with royal mail somedays I get loads of post them for 3-4 days nothing its awful. I really want them today now an like you said everyone can relax then cause at least we will know fingers crossed its today!!

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9 years 3 weeks ago #7209 by Lozzywozzy86
On the form we had with the date of exams it said ratification meeting 29th Feb and results 7th March, I rekon they will be by post, If by post i doubt we get them today knowing what royal mail is like but hopefully then we can relax

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9 years 3 weeks ago #7208 by Stevie_G
I'm pretty sure it comes through the post like the written results. I was told Friday 11th March. I really hope they come today had enough of waiting now! Good Luck Everyone!!! :)

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9 years 3 weeks ago #7207 by martinawhoriskey@hotmail.co.uk
Im the same working to 6. Im so nervous :unsure: :S :woohoo: :sick:

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9 years 3 weeks ago #7206 by P18DJK
How will we find out the results? Will it be a letter or an email? I'm at work all day & don't think I can wait any longer for these results!! Too long to wait, haven't thought of anything else for weeks ! Good luck :)

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9 years 3 weeks ago #7205 by Lozzywozzy86
Results tomorrow guys and girls! :unsure:

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9 years 1 month ago #7170 by Lozzywozzy86
We were told 7th March, wish it would hurry up x

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9 years 1 month ago #7165 by Nickboi55
Anyone heard any word back? Or even when we should receive the confirmation letter? Been told so many different days :huh:

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9 years 1 month ago #7143 by Stevie_G
No I didn't explain about disinfecting it as it didn't state on the form that you needed to do that. I just said mixing and setting times etc. Cant believe its still another 3 weeks to get the results I think that is a silly amount of time to wait.

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9 years 1 month ago #7131 by Gorda
Hi I felt pretty confident when I left the exam but the more I thnk the more I am convinced I failed it. After mixing alginate were we supposed to explain how to disinfect it as well? I didnt do it as it was not asked in the task, but now think maybe i should have done.

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9 years 1 month ago #7120 by Stevie_G
Yeah I wanted to put her in the recovery position but she got up so I sat her on a chair. There were hardly any instruments I thought it was all abit odd and tight if I'm honest I kind of felt like if you're going to do an exam at least have the correct materials that we can use. If their going to use pictures make sure they are clear a lot I thought were pale an blurry. Too many people around guiding you made it feel like rush rush rush. Oh well like you say can't change it now so wait an see :)

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9 years 1 month ago #7119 by Lozzywozzy86
The matrix band on ours was a disposable one?!

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9 years 1 month ago #7118 by Lozzywozzy86

ITs taken me ages to reply, I didn't remove the glasses on the epileptic patient but removed her bag and it was really near her head. She didnt have a scarf but had a cardigan wrapped round her waist so i left it. I put the blanket on her but thought the clock was for the examiner as she told her it had been one minute...put her in th erecovery position too once the fit had stopped.
The decon one was ridiculous as it ws paired with the needle stick, i went that into detail about claning and what the cycles are that i didnt complete my needle stick injury. Other than that i think i did ok, wasnt how i expected, it was a bit mental with people everywhere and the stations werent as i expected, hardly any instruments. Time will tell. no point worrying about it as we cant change anything now.

Someone said they add all the scores up from the 2 days and do an average and make the mark on that - not sure how true it is.

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9 years 1 month ago #7110 by Stevie_G
Oh I didn't take the glasses off either :( Yes the waste one I couldn't get the matrix band apart and some of the bits I weren't sure if it was part of the test :unsure: I didn't like the pictures on the table it really confused me like the decontamination one had the pics an the tubs so I put the pics in the tubs not sure if that was right or not?!

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9 years 1 month ago - 9 years 1 month ago #7109 by kriskata2000
I think you did great on that one.That was my first station and I was really confused and panic.I forgot to take off the scarf and and glasess. At the and I noticed the scarf and told the examiner about the scarf.I hope I wont fail for that.I really wants to know how they will do the scoring?Then the waste disposal was a bit odd with all this pics around.I did not see one of them.Iam so disapointed with the whole thing.

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9 years 1 month ago #7108 by Stevie_G
Yes I was confused with the crown one as well I did it as if we were putting the temp on etc an they needed to come back to have the crown fitted :unsure: The fit one I placed the bag underneath her head and timed the seizure whilst making sure nothing was around her...then suggested she wait in the waiting room instead of getting straight in the taxi :unsure: I felt it hard to explain things to no one basically as the examiners aren't allowed to speak so your basically speaking to yourself was very odd.

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9 years 1 month ago - 9 years 1 month ago #7107 by kriskata2000
I had the same and I think e I will fail as my words were stuck and now that I think that crown procedure I think as on already prepared tooth and we had to take out the instruments for taking the the temp crown not for the whole crown prep.I was a bit confused on that one.How did you do with the epileptic fit?

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9 years 1 month ago #7106 by Stevie_G
I had Mixing alginate, A seizure, Mixing kalzinol, Explain a needle stick injury and the decontamination rules, X rays, Explain which burs do what basically, A telephone call of a patient who lost a tooth but the dentist had gone home, a set up for a crown procedure and a stage 1 set up for pulpectomy. I was expecting more actors an more medical emergencies, explain cleaning of dentures and oral health advice also Post operative advice on extractions and use of LA. Looking back now I would have said so much more but thats easier said now at the time I felt my words couldn't come out :dry:

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9 years 1 month ago #7105 by vitality
What were the stations?

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9 years 1 month ago #7104 by kriskata2000
Im just about the same.I couldnt sleep aa well.I woke up this morning at 6h still thinking about that.It feels like I new so much more of what I did on the exam.Everything was because you are stressed and panic .It felt that the words did not came to speak a lot.ohhh just fingers crossed.

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9 years 1 month ago - 9 years 1 month ago #7103 by rexha
Me neither guys... I really don't wanna go threw again...all that stress
Yeap there were some pictures really pale i had to check 2-3 as I couldn't read what's on it.
I couldn't sleep last night and had lots of nightmares. Hope we did it well and everyone passed it

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9 years 1 month ago #7102 by Stevie_G
Well just think positive hopefully we did enough to pass! If not then as much as it would be horrible to do it again at least we know what to expect...although I really don't want to go through that again :(

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9 years 1 month ago #7101 by kriskata2000
I thought the sane.Really messy tables.In one of the most of the photos were even like to pale.I expected more instruments they were hardly any.The medical emergencie was my first station and I forgot and I think Ibdid not do really well.I hope I wont get fail for that.Iam so stressed about it.

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9 years 1 month ago #7100 by Stevie_G
I was told the pass rate was 60% .I thought it was unorganised an very messy. I know examiners are meant to make you feel uneasy but I found it quite intimidating and abit odd really.

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9 years 1 month ago #7099 by Suzzy124
I know u have to pass the clinical emergency or that's a strIght fail

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9 years 1 month ago #7098 by kriskata2000
Tnks for replaying.My teacher told me that thay do have marks but dont know hiw many marks you need to get to pass.

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9 years 1 month ago #7097 by kriskata2000
Are you sure about that.And what is the standart.Haw many mistakes you can make in one station not to be beliw standart.Its so long till we get the results.cant wait to see.

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9 years 1 month ago #7096 by Suzzy124
But I also got 3 above standard that might have evened that out

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9 years 1 month ago #7095 by Suzzy124
Got 3 below standards in my mock and my tutor said I passed

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9 years 1 month ago #7094 by Suzzy124
Think you have to pass 7 stations- not get 4 below standard

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9 years 1 month ago #7093 by kriskata2000
I really do not want to go trough that again.I think is 70 or 75 %.Does anyone now how do they mark our Oske exam.Is it with points or anything else.

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9 years 1 month ago #7092 by Suzzy124
I think it's 70% does that sound right?

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9 years 1 month ago #7091 by rexha
Does anyone knows what the pass mark(%)??

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9 years 1 month ago - 9 years 1 month ago #7090 by rexha
I had mine today as well. I think i failed it... Always in rush

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9 years 2 months ago #7089 by kriskata2000
We have to wait and hope that we wil get it

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9 years 2 months ago #7088 by kriskata2000
Hi I had mine today.I font know what to expect.I think I did not do quite well.I was stressed and confused in some stations. I thought the tables were a bit messy with all those pics i there

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9 years 2 months ago #7087 by Suzzy124
Hi Stevie,

Had mine today at 12. OMG I felt :sick:
Which stations did you get?

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9 years 2 months ago #7086 by Stevie_G
I had mine this morning was one of the first groups in. Not really sure how well I did to be honest :dry: I think 6 weeks is a long time to have to wait for results!

Good luck to everyone who still has to take it this weekend!!

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9 years 2 months ago #7075 by Lozzywozzy86
I have registration at 11, exam at 12.

I am just worrying about giving advice and med emergency. Went through a few things at work today and feel a bit more confident. I just seem to have brain fog when i am in exams. My written was fine, rally wasnt worried, think its just the unknown for this one and that it could be anything. I know i know my stuff but its just the pressure of it being an exam i think. Its in a hotel and not an actual suurgery so will be a bit weird!

Good luck too all that are taking it :cheer:
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9 years 2 months ago #7074 by SmilingDCP
Hello ladies,

The OSCEs are not as bad as you think. You won't be asked anything you don't already know. The only difference is how you apply yourself in a practical situation, which again, you are doing at work anyway. The mixing stations should be fine. Just remember, if the mix is not good, tell them why eg too much liquid or not enough. If there is time, do it again. From what you are all saying, you know what your weaknesses are which means you will not make those mistakes. Don't worry, if you passed the written you will be fine in the OSCEs. Just remember PPE and infection control. Think about how you are with your patients. I found the basic guide to dental instruments, the basic guide to dental materials and basic guide to dental procedures very helpful in my preparation for the OSCEs. Read the question carefully and then read it again when you enter the station before answering. As for worrying about being watched, you will be so focused on what you are doing, that hopefully you won't be affected by the person in front of you.

Good luck, I'm sure you'll be fine.
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9 years 2 months ago #7073 by Suki27

I have my osce too on Saturday morning in London.
I am not feeling confident about it at all :( I think it's the idea of being watched that makes me feel like I'm more likely to make a mistake.
Plus a retake isn't exactly cheap, which is even more pressure.

I had 1 mock up in my evening class but that was last October & I didnt do great. I failed a mixing station straight away as I didn't shake the bottle of IRM powder so little things like that effect the mark. Also changing the language depending on who you're talking to (adult/child patient, another dental professional etc..) is a big thing. And always remembering to say "please assume I've washed my hands using the correct hand washing technique and I am wearing full PPE
Medical Emergencies are my problem & remembering it all.... :dry:

But asides the above I'm pooing myself!! Good luck everyone who's also taking it this weekend!

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9 years 2 months ago - 9 years 2 months ago #7072 by rexha
Hi Lozzywozzy86,

Yeah my one is in London afternoon. Yeah me too, I don't know what to revise as you never know what it comes up.
I'm worried about ME as there are lots and you have to remember the drug that you give to them + the dosage :(

What are you studying? Which topics are you based more??
I'm feeling nervous as well
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9 years 2 months ago #7071 by Lozzywozzy86

Just registered on this site whilst trying to revise for my osce which is also next week. Is yours in London? There is quite a lot online with advice on what to revise. I am starting to feel really nervous and like i know less now than when i started my course :(
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9 years 2 months ago #7054 by joz_12345
What are your osces ?

We did these as part of our nursing exam we had 15 stations which could be - giving OH advice to pt with dentures/child/adult
Giving Pre / post xla advice
mixing relevant material for impression or temp dressing material
selecting the correct burs for a crown prep treatment/filling etc
discussing GDC and what they do
explaining sterilisation process
dealing with a medical emergency - cpr or treatment of patient with asthma or pt that has fainted etc

These are just a few examples of ones i had - hope this helps
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9 years 2 months ago #7052 by rexha
Hello guys,

OSCE is coming up next week and I am so nervous as i dont know even what to revise and expect at the exam..
Please any advice from anyone??

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