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9 years 11 months ago #6614 by Ekw

The witness training was on the NEBDN website Im not sure if its still there you would need to look. It was so a qualified dental nurse could watch a trainee and sign their ROE and give feedback I found it very useful. I would recommend the radiography certificate I did mine through nebdn but I think bda do one also? My oral health wasn't a full certificate it was an in-house with a tutor in hospital as there were too many of us wanting to do it (we have 40 nurses!) I'd recommend sedation as it can be very useful even if your practice doesn't do it a lot or at all if you want to move to PDS or hospital it would be beneficial as both areas do sedation. Hope that is helpful anything else just ask.
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9 years 11 months ago #6613 by Dentalnurse5

Are there any courses you recommend? Are there any courses I can do outside work to gain extra qualifications even if my work might not require someone to have that extra qualifications?

What is the witness training course? Which oral health course did u do?


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10 years 2 months ago #6451 by Ekw
Hi there

I'm also a dental nurse in Scotland, I've been doing it since 2001. I suppose you need to think about where you are now and if you want to specialise in one area like Ortho or surgery or if you want to work in community or hospital. I trained in a nhs practice then went to community for a few years where I did my radiography I'd use it in community at the time and I liked the subject. I now work in hospital as a senior and I specialise mostly in children and theatre with surgery so I've geared a lot of work towards management and training and sedation. I did the nebdn witness training course, various management courses, inhalation sedation, oral health/toothbrushing, I give cpd sessions, I want to do my special care certificate but as you can imagine there is a lot of nurses working in hospital so we wait our turn. You will need to think about what your interests are and what path you want to head down, funnily enough my passion is surgery and forensics so I get involved in anything I can to do with that when I'm not on my admin sessions!
The following user(s) said Thank You: Dentalnurse5

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10 years 2 months ago - 10 years 1 month ago #6450 by Dentalnurse5

I am qualified as a dental nurse and Im looking for what to do next.

I live in Scotland and wanted to know if any nurses recommend any courses to go on to help my progress my career and developing my skills. What courses do experienced nurses recommend in Scotland?

Thank you DN

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