OHE Course

9 years 3 weeks ago #7138 by SmilingDCP
Give it a try. He should keep his word really. Your qualification can benefit his practice, and its not really fair when you've paid the fees...I'm assuming you've paid for this yourself? I'd be pretty peeved if my dentist wasted my hard earned money like that. Approach him with confidence. Maybe select the patients yourself and let him know why you have chosen them to motivate him. I know he is supposed to refer them to you, but for the sake of your portfolio, pick them yourself. I found that patients are more responsive during a 20min OH session than when they are given the advice by the dentist during a checkup/treatment appointment. Say to him this is what you think will happen.

Good luck


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9 years 3 weeks ago #7136 by Knighton
Okay thank you SmilingDCP :)

It is a shame and I'm feeling a bit stressed about it as I just want to get on with the log sheets but am not able to. I will just have to speak to the dentist and see what he says.

I am not feeling very positively about the outcome but hopefully it will all work out!


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9 years 1 month ago #7132 by SmilingDCP
Thats a shame. If you work full time, it could be a problem. Are there any other dentists at your practice who could supervise and help you? If you work part time or if you have one day off, maybe you could go to another practice?

Who are you doing the course with? Can they help? They may be able to suggest something.

I did mine with BDA who have been very supportive. And fortunately my supervising dentist was supportive also, so we chose 6 patients with appointments coming up, who I was familiar with, planned together, and made their appointments a bit longer so I could do my OH with them at the start of the appointment. Maybe this approach could help you if you're able to go to another practice once a week? You could also do your OH display there if they agreed?

You are right, you can deliver the advice to family and friends. But all sessions have to be signed off by your witness as this ensures your advice is correct and suitable for the individual.

Hope it all works out.

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9 years 1 month ago #7129 by Knighton
Hi everyone,

I have recently started the OHE post qualification however the dentist I work with isn't being very supportive after saying he would be :/

I just wondered if anyone had any ideas about how I can complete the log sheets other than in surgery? Someone has said to me I can carry out the sessions on family and friends and write them up however the witness needs to comment and sign so I don't understand how this would work or if its allowed??

Any advice would be helpful :)

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