CPD, med emergency

7 years 6 months ago #8402 by immaculate
I just found out about this website. I'm looking of doing Oral Hygiene Education course and I'm quite aware of the verifiable CPD's to take. Is there anywhere you know i can do Medical Emergencies, Safeguarding,
Disinfection and decontamination, Radiography / radiation protection and Legal and ethical issues. Online most preferably. Thanks

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8 years 11 months ago #7327 by Teesey
Hi there leigh-lo

You must carry out at least 150 hours of CPD every five years. At least 50 of these hours need to be ‘verifiable’. the verifiable subjects recommended by the GDC are Medical emergencies (at least 10 hours verifiable on this topic over the 5 year period)
Disinfection and decontamination (at least 5 verifiable hours over 5 years)
Radiography / radiation protection (at least 5 verifiable hours over 5 years)

And for dental care professionals working in a clinical environment (either non-verifiable or verifiable):
Legal and ethical issues
Complaints handling
Oral cancer - improving early detection

hope this helps

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8 years 11 months ago #7302 by leigh-lo
hi just wondering how many hours of cpd do you need, i have been living in new Zealand the last 4 years and cant seem to find how many hours thanks x

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8 years 11 months ago #7283 by Teesey
Hi there Itadentalnurse

As long as you get a completed cert to say that you have attended a qualified CPR course, then yes it would be covered, as it has to be verifiable.

Hope this helps

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8 years 11 months ago #7280 by ltadentalnurse
I am a self employed locum- so i was looking at doing a day CPR course with St Johns ambulance or similar ? if i do that once every year cycle, plus the online courses- would that be okay? Thanks for your help

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8 years 11 months ago #7278 by dentalnursenetwork
Hi ltadentalnurse

You can complete your verifiable CPD via e-learning but you should also complete practical training with your dental team regularly.

GDC standards 6.6.6 states: You must make sure that:

'all members of staff who might be involved in dealing with a medical emergency are trained and prepared to do so at any time, and practise together regularly in a simulated emergency so they know exactly what to do.'

Team DNN

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8 years 11 months ago #7276 by ltadentalnurse
with the CPD- one of the core topics being medical emergencies, does this have to be a practical CPR course or can it all be done online?

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