Unhappy with my training

7 years 8 months ago #8318 by Kelly_Wcampbell
I am sorry to hear about your experience. Although I had gone through with same situation many times, in the end, you have to make your own choices and move forward.

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8 years 1 month ago #8068 by Lucynurse1
I work with the same kind of dentist. Sometimes really makes you want to quit the job and not go into work. It's so easy for people to just say let it go over your head but when you're dealing with it everyday 5-6 days a week it makes you feel unconfident. However as much as I hate working with this dentist I've stuck it out for over a year now and in the back of my head think I just have to get through my training and once i'm qualified I can move on. Not all dentists are like that, don't let him ruin your career goals. You may be able to find somewhere else that you feel more comfortable and happy. I began with an even worse dentist and quit due to be poorly treated and the job I have now, I just said at the interview that I wasnt getting enough training at the other place. If you enjoy the job don't let him ruin it for you :)

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8 years 6 months ago #7888 by Rpat7072
Hi I am sorry to hear your having such a bad time!
I had the same experience a few years ago, some times places like your in will never change and aren't always open to new members.
but don't let this put you off training, I ended up moving practices and I was much happier.
try looking for another pratice?
i hope things work out for the best

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8 years 6 months ago #7886 by SmilingDCP
Sorry you are having to put up with this. Like Jess and Steph, I know how you feel, and I agree with their advice. We all had to start somewhere. He should be guiding you and encouraging questions. It seems he is the one unable to cope with training a new nurse, and is exploiting you by taking advantage of the wage he is paying you. Surely as a trainee, you should at least be on minimum wage?

Please don't give up on nursing, as it is really rewarding.

I took the nursing route in order to pursue hygiene as I didn't have sciences. I qualified with NEBDN, my first placement was a nightmare, but my second placement was an absolute blessing. I was encouraged to do the Access course and the OHE course post qualification, and then I applied for hygiene. I have worked extremely hard, and I could not have done it without the support of my employer and colleagues.

There is always a silver lining.

Best of Luck


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8 years 9 months ago #7439 by STaylor94
Sorry you are feeling like this :(

He should not be treating you like that and shouldn't be speaking to you like you are rubbish either. If you are a trainee he should be helping you and understand that you arent going to be perfect to begin with and allow you to make mistakes.

I agree with what Jess said.. Is there somebody else you can speak to? If you can I would suggest this first and see what they say but no way is this normal for a trainee nurse to go through. You can message me personally if you want to. I know exactly how you feel.

Stephanie. x

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8 years 9 months ago #7436 by jmoss
:( Really sad to see this is happening to you!

Can you not approach the practice manager and voice your concerns?

Some dentists think they are Gods gift.... If he says you're getting in the way aspirating then asking him where he wants you to put it isn't a bad question! Sometimes if I know I am getting in the way, or were filling left 8 and there's no room at all, I will let the dentist drill away and dip in with the aspirator when they stop.

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8 years 9 months ago #7432 by ellie1gracie
Hi, I am new to dental nursing and have just started as a trainee dental nurse 4 weeks ago. I am 22 and left my previous long term job to start this apprenticeship with the hopes of it helping me eventually study dental hygiene or dentistry, however I am having a really difficult time :(

The dentist I am working with is really difficult with me and I don't feel like i get much support or help from the nurse. Today he embarrased me in front of a patient when I was suctioning and kept purposely hitting the aspirator with the drill and saying 'you are in my way' over and over again so eventually I asked if he could just show me where he would like me to place it, he then got stroppy and when the patient left he told me not to dare ask a question during treatment again. This on top of other things that he has said/done all got on top of me and i ended up uncontrollably crying and feeling lots of regret for leaving my old job and my old colleagues, I then had to ask to leave early with a migraine as I just had to get out.

So my question is, did anyone else experience this during their training? How did you deal with this?

I consider myself quite a strong person so I'm disappointed that I let myself get upset over this. It doesn't help that all the girls that work in the surgery have worked together for years so I dont really feel like I fit in or feel very welcome. I am now thinking of quitting and starting an access course instead as I am loosing motivation already, and being paid £3.30 apprenticeship wage doesnt help either. Thanks for any advice x

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