Struggling to chart mixed dentition in Exact help!

7 years 10 months ago #8240 by h.t3112
excuse the late response but a way around this is to go into history, scroll alllllll the way up to the bit where it was originally charted wrong (missing instead of unerupted etc.) and void it. then it should allow you to start again with that tooth and chart it correctly.

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8 years 7 months ago #7760 by chapstick
we've had same problem if previous person has charted tooth as missing and not as un erupted very annoying. Esp if you work with a fast dentist. But you'll have to tell him to slow down while you sort it, or just hand chart it to go back to it later when you have time. But you are right Exact do make it faffy. Good luck

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8 years 8 months ago #7740 by HaggisMaiden
Thanks i'll try but i worry that when i'm in with a busy dentist who charts fast, i don't have time for "muddling", as they're already onto charting the next quad! :( Don't know why Exact has to be so awkward and annoying, it's really stressful.

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8 years 8 months ago #7731 by zoenorwood
Hi. We had the same struggles I think if the tooth on the permanent dentition has been charted as missing rather than unerupted on the base chart then when you try and mark it as present it does work.... try clicking missing then unerupted and that should work.... or as you day muddle between the 3

Hope this helps

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8 years 8 months ago #7726 by HaggisMaiden
Please can someone help, can't for the life of me work out how to chart this. I know you have to toggle between the mixed/permanent/deciduous screens, but as soon as i try to chart the teeth as errupted, they don't display right, they always appear in a grey outline (which means unerrupted in exact). All i want to do is chart a deciduous as being replaced by the permanent tooth!! Don't understand why Exact makes it so difficult and faffy, is very frustrating.

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