annoying colleague

7 years 9 months ago #8275 by h.t3112
Thank you for your reply! I am her mentor by default as I'm qualified and there is only two of us. I'm decon lead etc also and so it is my responsibility to make sure that side of things is carried out correctly, which I do have my eye on it all the time. I feel more comfortable to correct her in the decon room but elsewhere I feel like its out of my control as she just gets away with everything. she does have a college tutor who comes in sometimes but shes fine when she comes in. since my last post I have started making notes and I have spoken to the boss again. I feel a little better as he says he understands better now and will take more notice, lets see if anything improves!

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7 years 9 months ago #8274 by dentalnurse6
Hi h.t3112

Just seen your post with no replies and thought I'd offer some advice as I've worked in small places. Are you named as her mentor firstly? If not, who is? If it isn't you and there's nothing in your contract to say you are then i think you should stop struggling to correct her all the time. This is a matter for her tutor and/or assessor to address if what you've said has failed. You can tell her that you will be approaching her tutor if she doesn't improve her performance. Make a note of all you have said to her so far and tell her you are still doing so. Tell her she will fail to qualify if she doesn't do things appropriately. Tell your employer you are doing all of this too. If he is unhelpful you could point out to him that he is the Provider of the service and ultimately responsible for his Trainee. As for the personal intrusion of your conversations and property, I'd be brave and tell her to stop and then tell your boss to speak to her about it. If anything goes missing from your bag and she is under suspicion that could be gross misconduct and lead to instant dismissal. You need to be brave to carry this all out but you are within your rights to. Bringing things out in the open is the best way. Firstly tho, find out her tutor details.

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7 years 10 months ago #8243 by h.t3112
Just coming on here for a moan really!

I've been working at my practice for 7 years, in that time I've worked alongside 3 other nurses (small practice so always only me and one other)and I've always got on with them until now!
The trainee we have has been here 1 year now. She took longer than the others to learn the ropes, so I spent a lot of time on her. She was bright enough, just wasn't retaining much at a time. In hindsight, now I know her better, shes very babied and lazy.

She gets away with murder here. She is often late, she doesn't do things thoroughly, doesn't stock drawers at the end of session, shes very nosey and i often catch her listening behind a corner, im sure she goes into my bag and have suspected it for some time.
I have raised my concerns with the dentist (practice owner) and while he listened initially and promised to keep watch, he no longer cares. I spend most of my time picking up after her and double checking her work. I think he has a lot in common with her and so overlooks the negative points as its very hard to find decent trainees.

I have spoken to her, laminated signs and stuck them around the steri room for her to look at to check she has done everything, i have written her a handbook for her reference and now i can do no more. the problems are becoming more personal and i find it a shame that im thinking of leaving soon after 7 years of enjoying my job. i don't think id enjoy nursing in another practice so im looking at completely different proffessions!
sad how one annoying person can ruin your day!

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