Early pregnancy/should I tell?

5 years 7 months ago #8978 by Ekw
Hi there
Don't feel pressured in to saying something before your ready unless you really need to. I only had my nurses tell me if it affected using inhalation sedation so I could take them off it. Youd need to be more aware of your xray taking for sure and any risky patients as an example I would risk assess the patient for my nurse if there was any chance they would be hit or grabbed (hospital patients) then I'd swap her out to keep her safe. It's just about assessing the situation yourself. Sickness I cant advise as that depend if you are managing to cope keeping it under wraps.
Good luck with your pregnancy I hope all goes well!

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6 years 6 months ago #8793 by unflappable
What happened?
I am very interested to hear how you are getting on.
During each of my pregnancies I did not want to mention it - despite antidiscrimination laws giving birth never helped anyone's career. But I had no choice as the running out of the room vomiting was impossible to work around (sooooooo sensitive to smells). I was put on reception. The sickness only lasted the first trimester then I was fine. I was worried about making a nusiance of myself so I didn't go to any of those doctor/midwife appointments and just rocked up two weeks before my due date. Doctor gave me a severe telling off. But all fine.
It's all worth while!
Good health, good luck and insist they treat you correctly.

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6 years 10 months ago #8686 by awilliams

Check your company policy by looking in your contract, I know mine says that my boss would like to know as soon as possible but im not sure if there is any regulations around it.
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6 years 10 months ago #8671 by Griff1507
Hi all,

I’ve just found out I’m around 6 weeks pregnant.

My practice is really small as in there’s only one surgery and 3 members of staff.
I’m suffering really badly with morning sickness and finding myself constantly having to make excuses to get out of the room with smells etc that set it off.
Also am I right in thinking I only have to be careful around x-rays and amalgam?

Myself and the other nurse work alternate days in surgery so I’m just about managing to get round it.

Question is should I tell my dentist/employer now or wait until my 3 month scan?
Part of me wants to say now so I can just get it over with and then I can stop making excuses but then the other half of me wants to wait.

Any advice appreciated.

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