Tricky one this. In a recent pay review I pointed out to my employers that I could get more than they were offering in several different posts currently being advertised, I showed them the adverts etc and explained that I was confifent that I could get another job if I wished with my skills and proactive attitude toward work. (at this point i'd like to emphasise that it was done maturely and as a statement of fact - an appraisal is no place for emotion or a diva like attitude) Upon hearing this, my employers exploded. I think my male boss nearly lost bowel control for a moment, they own a few practices and are very busy as they refuse to pay for a practice manage for any of them and a a result rely on a few key members of staff to keep the ball rolling i.e. fill the PM positions for the cost of DN's.
They proceeded to tell me that I am obligated to provide 6 months notice. Yes, 6 months. Laughable I know. I would of course give them as much as physically possible, after all I like both my employers and enjoy my job. i certainly wouldn't want to make life difficult for anyone if it could be avoided. But I owuld never give any amount of notice unless I had a job offer/contract already secured no matter how much I liked them. Afterall, what if you had a job offer and then it was retracted after 2 months of the 3 months you were serving because they could not wait any longer.
For starters if it looks like your company has the potential to fold within 3 months you should already be looking for another place to work. And secondly, my butt would they give you six months notice. How would that be a wise decision for them? You would all up and leave well before then and who would fill your positions for 3, 2 or even 1 months whilst it was closing?
This is asking way too much and you should all stick together as one voice. Let me know how you get on.