This Can't Be Right!!!

14 years 3 weeks ago #1295 by Caroline
I have to pay my own fees and for all my CPDs. £120 is a lot of money, where I agree 100% with us being registered the GDC have to look at the fees. I am paying the same amount as a full time dental nurse where I only maybe do 30 hours a month.

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14 years 3 weeks ago #1291 by janette
with all this BS we nurses put up with dont you think its time for the GDC and PCTs to listen to us or are they that blind they cant see what is happening to us maybe we should start talking to somebody that will

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14 years 4 weeks ago #1280 by Nerd
OMG after almost 3 years working at the DP I demanded a contract... And look as if is going to take ages to make it, they are so meticulous to make sure They have everithing covered for them that now I know why it took so long... Well as long as it suits them I guess. Not nice to know that all those org that should be protecting and helping us just want our monney. Really need a strong voice out there for us.
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14 years 4 weeks ago #1279 by Max
Sorry I would tell him where to stick his job.

Makes me so cross they treat staff in this way.

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14 years 4 weeks ago #1278 by rhianp
@KLKennedy-i am in a very similar practice, no sick pay either, we have to pay for own courses, own reg and insurance etc, take days hols or unpaid if we want to do courses etc

i mentioned to my boss about my insurance is now £120 and he laughed and said you'll never guess what mine is!

i am mad with badn i call to renew my insurance and as i now have extra duties its gone from £70-£120! omg!

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14 years 1 month ago #1277 by BLUEBELL32
we are all fealing the strain, wether we work part time or full time.
For my personal situation i can only work part time as i am a single parent with to young children.
For those of us whose employers do not pay our registration i think the GDC should put there hands in there pockets and fund it them selves..
Actually i take that back , we shouldnt have to pay for it at all.
We dont get enough reckignition for what we do and it is definatly not reflected in our pay.
Im moving in less than a month and im struggling to find a nursing job.
If I dont find one soon with an employer who will pay for registration and CPD i will have to give up.
I love my job and have been wanting to progress to hygeniest, but now i dont see that happening.
Why should we be forced to make this kind of decision, its all wrong.
Without us nurses there would be no Dental Practises.
fact is , dentists can not work without us...
Something needs to be done about our registration but its gonna take all of us to do it.
The odd random rant on here isnt going to do much.
We all need to make ourself heard and protest about this.

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14 years 1 month ago #1276 by Max
At the end of the day he is responsible to CQC

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14 years 1 month ago #1275 by janette
we cant get a contract of employment from our dentist i have worked there for
8 Years one other nurse has worked for 9 years not even job description
he says we dont need it
hes told CGC that we have them i am very worried about this any one else with this prob.

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14 years 1 month ago #1254 by ARdental
That doesnt sound right at all!
Guys remember a quality dental nurse is more than an asset to a bussiness its a necessity
Tbh alot of employers just rest on the fact that the nurse is just there the dentist makes the money and the nurse will never leave
Practices make alot of money so dont be afraid to threaten to leave obviously find a new job first!
But guys you dont deserve to be treated poorly you are essential to a practice and should be paid well according to your worth
I know a guy who can help you if you are looking for work
if anyone wants his details please say and i will pass them on

But dont put up with poor pay and poor working environment !

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14 years 1 month ago #1243 by Nerd
True, I find quite hard to move on when you actually know the patients names and needs and you get some sort of attached to your workplace, I cannot afford to be a Dental Nurse anymore really but all I love to do is dental related!!! I also dont like when dentist use the term being "generous" payers to Dental nurses when actually is not more than we deserve is having a good salary and working conditions....
Sorry i am having a bad day.

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14 years 1 month ago #1238 by Max
Good to see. Its a shame as nurses we feel we have to look for other work due to these sorts of bad feelings

Best of luck

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14 years 1 month ago #1237 by KLKennedy
There's 2 dentists & 3 hygienists at the practice, & yes, I'm already applying for other jobs.


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14 years 1 month ago #1235 by Max
Not sure what to say on this one.

Not paid for sickness seems to be the normal with most companies now.

As for him being hard up we can all say that.

How many dentist are at the practice?

Have you thought of moving on? I know its not the time to be doing that but maybe worth looking at.

All I can say think about what you want and your long term future.

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14 years 1 month ago #1234 by KLKennedy
That's all very fine & well Max, but my boss keeps telling us he's "got no money", he's struggling financially & "will have to review the job status". We've not had a pay rise for over a year & we don't get paid if we're off sick. Talk about making your staff feel like they're valued!


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14 years 1 month ago #1233 by Max
How many approach there boss and ask if they would mind helping out, they can only say no that way you will know where you stand. If they have any sense they will see what a valued asset you are to the practice.
Best of luck.

My boss pays all of our girls reg fees and pays for the dental nurse mag as she feels the mag is full of useful information and any course we would like to do she will pay for as long as it is useful to the practice.

Come on you Bosses help out your staff because without them you would be helpless.

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14 years 1 month ago #1232 by KLKennedy
I agree, Zidk. £240 is going to be a fair old chunk out of my wages. It's ridiculous. I can't see that the proce for admin for including DNs on GDC register is going to be the equivalent of £120 per head. Not only that, but the hygienists/therapists pay the same fee as us & they're earning approx 3 times as much. There's no true justification for it, no matter how officialdom might try to dress it up.
As for the BADN, they really aren't doing much to help us. Oh yes, there's the survey every year, but they need to do more than just present it to somebody who couldn't give a fig. I think it's about time a large rally was held & petitioning. Hmm, maybe I should look into it. :angry:


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14 years 1 month ago #1227 by Sarka
Hello nurses,
You are not alone from all those thinking about giving up nursing as I heard that from so many nurses..
We should team up and protest but not against GDC registration!, against ITS FEES!
Why should we pay about hundred every year?? What about those nurses who work part time or 1day a week or receptionist required to nurse for example..?

I think we should pay only once when we register and than remain on the register with no further payment as long as we keep up with our CPD and have no complaints againts us.

Or if they say they need the fee as there is a administration cost to it looking after website act..than it should be just tiny fee which is no problem for anyone like 10 a year..Anyone agrees??

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14 years 1 month ago #1226 by Max
I think all us nurses hear what you are saying.

For those who are not well paid and have to carry the cost you can see why they might want to just stack shelves.

It is high time that Dentist start to realise without there nurse they would be in a mess as most don't have a clue how to clear up.

Time the BDNA took this in hand and had a proper pay scale put together.

I myself feel I am looked after but maybe one in a few. I do feel for the ones who's pay is poor.

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14 years 1 month ago #1224 by KLKennedy
I just had a wee nose to see what general nurses have to pay in registration fees only to be well scunnered (as we say)! £76, that's it, £76. To top it off, they get paid more than us. This year I'm having to pay, as we all are, £120 to be legal for work, plus £120 Indemnity for carrying out direct patient care (fluoride varnish apps). Is it just me who thinks this is ridiculous? I'm seriously thinking about getting out of dental nursing & doing something else!!!!


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