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13 years 5 months ago #1848 by Assessor
Here here I agree with Louise.

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13 years 5 months ago #1846 by Louise
Well there you go and people still are not sure that we need a trade union ?

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13 years 5 months ago #1845 by Assessor
Im with you about the abuse dental nurses get. Im an NVQassessor/tutor as well as a treatment cocordinator /dentalnurse/Receptionist. We are a very small practice so both nurses have the same roles except the other nurse is also the OHE and implant coordinator instead of treatment cocordinator, Shes also doing her sedation course and Im in the middle of the radiography. Before I was employed at the practice where I am now I went for an interview to a mixed NHS/Private practice. He obviouysly hadnt looked at my C.V and offered me the measly sum of minimum wage. Despite 26 yrs of service and all the abvoue quals. He then turned round and said " My wife will take payment from the private patients here in the surgery. The NHS individuals will pay outside inte Reception area." The practice was in a time warp. My god Ive not seen a practice that old in years. So I wondered when I left the interview how many staff he goes through.

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13 years 5 months ago #1844 by Louise
Thank you, Its great that someone finds me so amazing, like i say it is simply freedom of choice.Sometimes in your work life you are mistreated by your employer and you need a strong organisaton behind you.And I am pretty sure that this organisation are quite capable of speaking to the GDC.How far have the BADN got as far as our fees are concerned.I for one think it is a disgrace that we must pay the same to register as a technician or hygeinist I am still waiting after 3 years for this to be rectified.We need a trade union behind us not just an organisation that is so used to being the only call of support for Nurse but don't really do much.I have read stories on this forum of Nurse getting paid less than minimum wage,nurse working for £10.00ph after 15 years of proffesional service.Please stay with the oraganisation you are happy with, but please do not think I am crazy for wanting better things for us.I have respect for the BADN I was a member for a long time, but I feel we need a stronger organisation to help us.
I am one of the lucky ones I have a great job very well paid and am respected by my emplyer, but it makes me cringe when I read some of the abuse that some Nurse have to put up with.I find it amazing that we let them get away with it!The more members this union has the stronger it will become.

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13 years 5 months ago #1843 by Assessor
I have left the BADN due to the fees and now a member of the Dental protection for only £32. I pay £120 for the GDC and thats it and Im happy . I never used the benefits in all the 16 yrs I was with the BADN as I found they werent that benefical to me and always found quotes elsewhere for insurance car and home loads cheaper.

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13 years 5 months ago #1842 by parker1
You both amaze me! if you read the end of paragraph 5 this company talk about improving the whole industry the GDC regulate dental professionals therefore they would have to negotiate with them if they wished to make any changes to the dental nurse profession. you say it is roughly over 80.00 this company charges, I pay 120.00 for BADN get all required CPD, a journal, lots of discounts and benefits through which I always manage to recoup my 120.00 so it basically costs me nothing to join I also have indemnity insurance that is custom made for the profession that I work in, I get free legal advice (personal and work)and know if there was a legal dispute I am covered by the indemnity insurance regardless of the circumstances, I think I get a better deal so I will stick with the BADN.

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13 years 6 months ago #1833 by bazzman
I think this is exactly want we need in our profession, a choice. The BADN do not always seem to work in our best interests. I will happily pay the amount Blue Chip charge and have peace of mind that I could speak to ( and easily get through to!) someone on a one to one basis.
These days nurses really do need a voice, some GDP's seem to feel they are above employment law, so we do need someone to fight our corner! I also fail to see what this has to do with the GDC.

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13 years 6 months ago #1832 by Louise
I think it is great to have a choice. Blue Chip sounds more like a Trade Union, I think maybe they are exactly what we need in these transitional times. Not all Nurses have joined the B.A.D.N, there are cheaper options available as far as your insurance is concerned, and I think that a yearly subscription with Blue Chip is about £84.00 (don`t quote me on that). They sound more personable than the B.A.D.N and to be honest I can`t see what the G.D.C has to do with it.If you are being abused at work in any way then surely it is better to have an organisation behind you to offer advice and if needed to take it through the courts.Dentists (not all) are very expert at ignoring basic employment law and sometimes it just takes a phone call to put it right,not convinced the B.A.D.N. would do that for you.I would love them to prove me wrong though.Nurses seem very scared to fight there corner but honestly come on !

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13 years 6 months ago #1831 by parker1
I doubt that this group will have any impact with the GDC so I for one will continue with the BADN as I know that I have the right indemnity insurance for the job and also have access to free legal advice for work and private matters. I would think very carefully before breaking away from our professional body if I had a legal dispute at work.

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13 years 6 months ago #1761 by BCSA
Bluechip Staff Association

BCSA have been contacted by DNN to see if we can work more closely together for advice and assistance for all support staff working in the Dental industry which includes, Dental Nurses, Receptionist and Practice Managers. BCSA is headed up by Ted Purcell; this is a brief outline of who he is and what his organisation can offer you.

Ted Purcell is an experienced trade union officer, and has over 25 years of experience in representing people in all industries; he was head of public services and a senior officer for one of the large unions GMB. Since leaving them last year he has set up and formed BCSA which is a non political organisation that supports and helps people at work. Ted’s aim is to provide excellent advice and support that consistently meets member’s expectations; this is done by making sure that employers, the Dentist have good and strong equal opportunities and they conform to health and safety legislation.

Since talking to DNN and representing some dental nurses Ted realises what is needed in the industry. He said “I have dealt with many cases over the years but 2 of the cases I have dealt with in the dental industry were particularly alarming, there was claims of work place bullying a complete lack of health and safety, one dental nurse even had to pay back over a £1000 because she signed a contract without seeking advice first.”
“ We will make sure that all our member’s have a right to expect fairness and respect at work and encourage employers to do everything possible to ensure that all our members who are employees and potential employees have equal opportunity irrespective of age, sex, race religion or disability •
BCSA will keep subscriptions low and affordable. And return your call within 24 hours.

Our aim is to make sure that dental nurses get the respect they deserve by having a proper career structure in place for better pay and conditions, including health and safety in the workplace. BCSA is a membership lead union that will listen to its member’s views and ideas on how to improve the whole industry.”

BCSA welcomes member’s opinions and will take notice of how we provide the service to you; with this in mind members are encouraged to let us know their opinion by leaving your points and comments on our Website and Facebook or Twitter pages.

Our communication to you will be by email or text to your mobile, also on our website, Facebook and Twitter. This will save on costs and will again allow us to keep subscriptions low and affordable.

You as a member will feel safe in the knowledge that help; advice and assistance will be available when you need it.

We will provide advice and representation at all levels in the work place which include capability, grievance, disciplinary, redundancy consultations and re-organisations, we also have two specialist law firms which will provide legal back up for both employment and personal injury for accidents at work, outside or in the home. Our solicitors will provide us with a focused and pragmatic approach to what is important to us and our members in a complex and fast changing area of law.

BCSA will provide a friendly service and help with your query, professional advice when you need it and professional representation in your workplace.

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