Worrying comments

12 years 11 months ago #2078 by MLA
time to take this topic up to the surface again? :cheer:

BADN is not a Union such as so there is no 'clean' union for Dental Nurses.
Now, that is quite interesting as the dental nursing job is old.
Why do we think that is so?
Is it because education and qualification recently became obligate?
Is it because today it is a proper job, not just the wife of the dentist or so?
I believe that a union is very much needed, having still read some very scary comments here.
That will of course, need a lot of hard work in the beginning and there will be a cost for the membership. What do we want from a Union? Let us play with the thought that we started one,
what would YOU want from the BUDN? (British Union of Dental Nurses)
Why not write down , let's say five things...for example:
1. Recognised as a real Union with all the benefits that has
2.Help with CPD's
3. Legal help (indemnity for example)
4. Courses and meetings locally
5. Central for information and general advice regarding work problems
What do you think? :)

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14 years 9 months ago #449 by hodgesaarh
The first step to 'uniting' the profession should be allowing DCP's to join the British Dental Association.
When I wrote and enquired, I was told that it would only happen if all it's dentist members wanted it to. So maybe its not just us nurses who have to bend a bit.

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14 years 9 months ago - 14 years 9 months ago #440 by MLA
Charliebhoy wrote:

Hi MLA and Stacey, do the nurses association not look after these sorts of things for you????

It may be worth contacting them to find out.

I don't personally have any problems BUT as I wrote , comments from others are worrying!
As well as the comment " for you", above.
It should maybe be "us"?

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14 years 10 months ago #432 by Rebecca
Does the BADN not kinda look after us? I dont know whether to join or not... :kiss:

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14 years 10 months ago #430 by sofiameds08
Bravo I applaud your comment....

Look for solutions and peace :)

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14 years 10 months ago #273 by Charliebhoy
Hi MLA and Stacey, do the nurses association not look after these sorts of things for you????

It may be worth contacting them to find out.

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14 years 10 months ago #267 by stacey
i think a union is the way forward to strange that there isn't already one as most professions have one set up maybe now is the time for DN's to get organised + work together for better conditions for all? wouldnt know where to start though but it should be doable :P

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14 years 10 months ago - 14 years 10 months ago #258 by MLA
Howdy Folks..
I have read most of the comments here and I am getting more and more worried.
As far as I understand there are many different issues that are raised because there are no general rules or regulations, not even commonly accepted and used unofficial rules.
The fact that many of us are so differently treated is also worrying.
As we do work in practices, private, Nhs or mixed,in North or South, it will be slightly different everywhere, but shouldn't be as much as I understand it really is.
Also, it is sad that so many of us, have dentists that are so unfriendly and treat dental nurses so badly.

Mind you, I have some understanding for the dentists, in some cases. I won't go in to that here and now but I believe we have to work WITH the dentists, not against, if we ever want to be accepted as equally good workers in our profession.Therefore we have to find ways to unite us,so that it won't be just "one persons ideas, wishes and thoughts", it will actually be something sanctioned and ratified by dental nurses in the whole UK.

My strong believe is still that a Union is the way forward.
I am sure something good will come out of this discussion. :)

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