i recently give notice as I find other job.
Prior this I decided to stay part time with them (2 d/week)
I was working full time for a year and a half ,never discuss a contract,never have a staff meeting.
I give 2 weeks as I thought it is a resonable period of time but my dentist said I should give her 4 weeks, I said that I cannot do that as I am going to loose other job ,I told her that she never discuss the notice etc. she was fine till today when we discuss about payment.
I had 2.5 days of holiday remains and I told her that I would like to take them and be paid for ,but she reply ''You do not have a contract so there is no holiday to be pay as you didn't give me 4 weeks notice''
Now I knew that by low I must be paid for what I work ,inclusive holidays even if I leave the job .
The dentis call BDA or whoever and in the end said she'll going to do me a favour by paing the remaning holiday even though she should't.
does anybody a else had this problem?
if so where to address thi issue?who to call? how to approach the situation?